Nightcrawler is Dead

I am saddened to report that Kurt Wagner aka Nightcrawler of the X-Men died this week.   The classic X-Men characters are some of my favourites.   It was sad to see him die, it was especially sad to see him die in such a useless manner.   

In the end, Kurt will most likely be back but until then the X-Men will not be the same.

#38 “101 Things to do before you die”  See these animals in the wild…

– Koala:  Think I will have to go down under for that one.

– Grizzly Bear: Some live in Canada right?   Still, if I see one, I doubt it will be under the best of circumstances. 

– Coelacanth: I have no idea what this is.   The picture looks like a type of fish.

13 Responses to “Nightcrawler is Dead”

  1. DarcsFalcon Says:

    They killed Nightcrawler? My son was a bit alarmed when I called out this news, and he said, “He’s still alive in my game though!” So, there you go. 😉

    A Coelacanth was a fish that supposedly went extinct “millions” of years ago but was found a few decades ago, living in some lake or something like that. So, scientists were wrong.

  2. Bob Says:

    They killed Colossus years ago. I hated that. I love the relationship between Wolverine, Colossus and Nightcrawler. I want to see them on the same team but they keep killing them off.

  3. yellowcat Says:

    I’ve seen a grizzly with 2 cubs. I was in my car and she was walking along the road on the North Fork. I was still a little freaked out.

  4. darcknyt Says:

    Falcon is mostly right. The Coelocanth (SEE-low-canth) is indeed a prehistoric fish thought to have been extinct the end of the Cretaceous period. Some fisherman hooked one off the coast of Madagascar in something like 1938, which, I guess depending on how you look at it, could be considered a few decades.

    Other branches of similar fish were discovered in 1998 and 1999, too. Wikipedia has a brief but good article on the topic; be sure to read the discussion pages however.

    Now, about poor ol’ Kurt … these new guys at Marvel have no sense of respect at all. They killed Captain America for God’s sake. How screwed up is that? Of all the heroes to kill, the most iconic to our nation. Figures.

    And yes, there are Grizzlies in Canada. Does seeing them through binoculars count? Grizzlies aren’t exactly cuddly.

  5. Bob Says:

    You haven’t heard? Cap is back. He came back this year, was never dead, he was trapped in time. He let his old sidekick keep the “Cap” name and he might take a break from super-heroing so that he can enjoy life with his girlfriend. His mini-retirement won’t last long of course.

  6. whatigotsofar Says:

    Do you know why both Nightcrawler and Beast were blue? Cheaper ink.

  7. Bob Says:

    That doesn’t go with the history of Nightcrawler that I read yesterday but it is possible. Course if that was true then why weren’t more characters blue?

    • whatigotsofar Says:

      I think there is a lot of blue in old comic book designs. Superman, Batman. Blue there. Even Spider-man had blue in his costume.

  8. Bob Says:

    I think some of those characters were blue because they had red and blue in them and they were being patriotic. But if you need help proving your point, the FF wore blue costumes too. The one thing about Nightcrawler and Beast, Nightcrawler wasn’t officially created until 1975, a long time after some of the other characters you listed. Also Beast didn’t turn into his blue form until 1972. Also much later than the other characters creation.

  9. Angel Says:

    Has any one noticed that all the incarnations of Apocalypse’s horseman Death has been an X-Men…….makes you think right maybe a certain blue elf might be showing up sooner than we think

  10. Angel Says:

    oh yeah and each incarnation has always featured a X-men. New-X-Force Apocalypse is coming back. Wolverine has to hunt him down and kill him. Wouldn’t a plot twist to make that hard be NC being the new incarnation of Death or any other horseman. Just food for thought lol……Which X-men is going 2 be the next Death or will marvel change the apocalypse tradition.
    oh yeah a list of Apocalypse’s horseman Death:
    all have been X-men

  11. Bob Says:

    Good point Angel. I never thought of that.

  12. Manic Surry Says:

    Alright, realizing of course I’m a little late in the game to be commenting or to just now be hit with this horrible news i need to say something some where or I will likely just…be overwhelmed by grief. I was just recently informed of Nighty’s death at least…to the point where it MEANT something. I feel so totally lost and saddened by it. As it had been mentioned before but i thought that it was in just some weird universe…not really Kurt…but now i know… and now…i could just cry myself out….

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